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Resilience in the Face of Uncertainty and Its Challenges- Dr. Natascha Wesch, PhD

In this webinar, Natascha will focus on the topics of Growth & Resilience. Sport is life ‘sped up’ and we must develop coping strategies that work for us and our situation. In order to grow and develop resilience, we often must take a new/different perspective on things. The global pandemic has been challenging, to say the least, and especially difficult for athletes who have had every aspect of their passion stripped away from them. This webinar will give you an opportunity to reflect on the growth that's happened out of necessity.

Natascha Wesch, PhD (cert) OAMHP, CCC, MPC. Dr. Wesch is a certified Counselor, and specializes in Mental Performance Training. She works with athletes from all ages, backgrounds, and sports.

Registration is now open.


February 21

The Basics of Curling Webcasting with Joe Calabrese + Brian Anderson of 12th end sports network

March 14

Adaptive + Inclusive Curling Through Community Engagement: A Panel Discussion